    内容摘要我们此次策划案的对象是大连满堂红餐饮管理连锁有限公司, 主要进行了满堂红品牌形象提升策划和营销策划。我们在仔细研究了满堂红餐饮的企业实力和相关情况后, 决定此次营销传播的区域为辽宁地区。首先,我们有针对性地对满堂红餐饮营销大环境进行了分析。在明确了可能的目标消费群体以及满堂红品牌现状后,我们进一步确定了品牌定位,抓住营养、健康、美的本质需求,对品牌再定位——百姓健康的“精制”加工坊。基于品牌发展和产品价值提升的需要,我们设计了全新的品牌标志和统一的企业识别系统;我们为满堂红的产品提出了独特的诉求点,力图将满堂红品牌打造成餐饮业“粗粮细做”的标杆。我们为满堂红制定了一整个年度的营销策划。产品上,为改变原先产品形式较为单一的缺点,我们提出了组合套餐,丰富消费者对产品种类的选择;定价上,我们采取适中的定价策略,并且会有较大的折扣力度;渠道上,着力完善加盟管理和推广的相关细节;促销上,利用新媒介促进销售。为提升满堂红品牌形象,我们策划了美食节活动,通过美食的盛宴,将文化融入美食,传达一种食粗粮更健康的理念,使满堂红品牌深入消费者内心。通过以上的品牌提升策划和营销策划,大力提高满堂红品牌的认知度和知名度,提升满堂红品牌形象,让消费者明确品牌形象和价值;同时提升产品的销售量,增加市场份额。最后,通过一年的发展,满堂红餐饮朝着以大连地区为中心,逐渐向辽宁省辐射的战略目标迈进。36348
    SummaryThe object of the case what we planned is Dalian Mantanghong Chain Restaurant Management,mainly for Mantanghong brand image promotion planning andmarketing planning.We carefully studied the strength of Mantanghong Chain Restaurant ManagementEnterprise ,and then decided marketing communications would be carried on inLiaoning. First, we have analyzed the marketing environment of Mantanghong ChainRestaurant Management. After figuring out the potential target consumer groupsand Mantanghong brand status,we further identified the brand positioning, to seize thedemand for nutrition, health, delicacy in nature, we repositioned brand - Processingworkshop which.refines the health of the people.Considering the need of branddevelopment and product upgrading , we designed a new logo and a unified corporateidentity system; we present a unique selling point of the product for the MantanghongChain Restaurant Management. We try to make Mantanghong the symbol of "coarsegrains doing fine"in the catering industry.We developed a marketing plan for Mantanghong lasting a whole year.Aboutproducts, in order to change the disadvantage that the form of original product isrelatively single,we put forward the product portfolio to abundant consumer’s choiceof products;On the pricing, we take the moderate pricing strategy, and there will be agreater discount; On the point of promotion channels, we focus on perfecting relevantdetails of franchise management and promotion; In terms of promotion,we would takeadvantage of new media to promote sales promotion.In order to enhance the brand image,we planed the Food Festival, throughgourmet feast, by uniting the culture into the food, to convey an idea of eating morehealthy with more whole grains, so Mantanghong brand would win support among thepeople.Through the above brand planning and marketing planning,the awareness andreputation of Mantanghong would be vigorously improved.By improvingMantanghong image,let the consumer clearly know its brand image andvalue;Meanwhile, product sales and market share would be increased.Finally, throughthe development for a year, Mantanghong gradually expaned to liaoning province inthe centre of dalian.
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