    A Study on the Choice of Employment Destination of Minority College Students - Taking Tibetan Female College Students as an Example
    Student Majoring in       Su Nayangla
     Tutor     Lu Wanjun
    Abstract: The number of college admissions is expanding, the school's school conditions to improve is not large, so that the quality of minority graduates than ever before; at the same time, many minority college students lack the ability to develop awareness, do not know what kind of talent, lack of work Experience and basic skills, "learning" and "use" is not closely integrated, all aspects of the current causes of the employment of ethnic minority graduates is not high. In the past, state-owned enterprises were often the best choice for the employment of ethnic minority college students. Nowadays, the first choice for ethnic minority college students is the high-tech private enterprises with high wage income, fast pace of work and fierce competition. Higher education professional adjustment lag, and market demand is not suited. University and the employer lack the necessary links. Resulting in the "no one to go where someone, no place to go" phenomenon, the objective to increase the competitiveness of employment, which also affect the employment rate. Adjust the concept of employment, improve their employability. To promote the employment of ethnic minority students in Tibet, the development of countermeasures suggested that employment is the livelihood of the people, the source of the people, but also the country's policy. In the face of the huge employment force and scarce jobs, it is necessary to take various positive measures to solve the employment problem of ethnic minority female college students, in addition to the "universal" policy, to break the traditional gender concept, the gender awareness into the mainstream The Today, the Tibetan minority students on the one hand face the cultural scene than the previous generation to be much more complex, on the other hand to face the development of women and the uneven development of social problems. Because of the encouragement of economic factors and the attractiveness of some urban persification, many minority college students tend to work in big cities or return home to work, which has a lot of influencing factors.
    Key words: Tibet; Ethnic minorities; Employment
    目  录
    摘要:    1
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