    [毕业论文关键词]:负面评价恐惧; 正面评价恐惧; 自尊; 社交焦虑
    Medical students self-esteem, social anxiety: the fear of evaluation mediating effect
    [Abstract] Objective:To investigate the mediating effect of fear of evaluation between self-esteem and social anxiety.Methods:Using the method of questionnaire and questionnaires for medical school 415 students conducted a questionnaire survey.then to analyze the research results and conclusions.Results:(1) the fear of positive evaluation overall in the medium level(M=37<50), in professional grade,only child or not ,students have significant differences(p<0.05);(2)the fear of negative evaluation overall in the medium level(M=24.34<30),in professional,grade,students do not exist significant differences(p<0.05);(3)the overall self-esteem is at a high level
    (M=27.80>25), in professional,grade,only child or not,students have significant difference
    (P<0.05);(4)social anxiety is at a low level(M=32.83<38),there were significant differences in grade (p<0.05);(5)the fear of positive evaluation,negative evaluation anxiety,self-esteem and social between two significant correlation(p<0.01);(6)positive evaluation fear partial intermediary role between self-esteem and social anxiety(R2=35.1%);negative evaluation of fear in the partial intermediary role between self-esteem and social anxiety (R2=37.2). Conclusion:in addition to have direct effects on social anxiety self-esteem through positive evaluation of fear and negative self-through positive evaluation of fear and negative evaluation of fear have indirect effects on social anxiety.
    [Keywords] fear of negative evaluation; positive comments about fear; self-esteem; social anxiety.
    摘要 1
    1 问题提出  1
    2国内外研究现状 2
     2.1 评价恐惧的国内外研究现状 2
     2.2 自尊的国内外研究现状 3
     2.3 社交焦虑的国内外研究现状 4
      2.4评价恐惧、自尊与社交焦虑相关性的国内外研究现状 4
    3 研究方法   5
    3.1 研究对象 5
    3.2 研究工具 5
    3.3 研究程序 6                                                                               
    4 结果 6
      4.1 医学院学生正向评价恐惧的特点 6
      4.2 医学院学生负向评价恐惧的特点 7
    4.3 医学院学生自尊的特点 8
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