    State-owned Enterprise Employees Incentive Problems Research
    Abstract: With China's economic reform, human resources as an important modern enterprise resources, Strength between state-owned enterprises, is no longer simply rely on natural resources and labor, key resources has gradually become the human resources. At present most of the state-owned enterprises are not fully aware of the importance of incentives, did not establish a reasonable incentive system to stimulate the potential of employees, lead to most of the state-owned enterprises in the staff's work enthusiasm is not high. How to effectively motivate employees make its biggest creative, become an important problem of the enterprise. Therefore, based on the research of the state-owned enterprise employees incentive problems, to explore a more effective incentive method,for the development of state-owned enterprises has important significance. Paper through the literature analysis of current situation and main problems of state-owned enterprise employees incentive, studies the deep reasons of the state-owned enterprise employees incentive problems, explore the state-owned enterprise employees incentive method.
     Keywords: Employee motivation ; State-owned enterprise; incentive
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、相关概述    2
    (一)员工激励的内涵    2
    (二)激励的方式    3
    (三)激励的作用    3
    二、国有企业内涵及员工激励现状    4
    (一)国有企业定义、特征    5
    (二)国有企业员工激励现状    6
    三、国有企业员工激励存在的缺陷    7
    (一)激励措施形式单一、无差别化    8
    (二)员工缺少参与机会    8
    (三)人事制度僵硬    8
    (四)薪酬机制不合理    8
    四、国有企业员工激励对策    9
    (一)避免单一、因人而异实施差别化激励    9
    (二)提高员工参与度    9
    (三)促进人事制度改革,激励和约束并用    10
    (四)制定公平的薪酬机制制度    11
    参考文献    12
    致谢    13
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