    关键词:    大学生创业;教育模式;经验支持;政策变迁;
    Study of College students' entrepreneurial Ability training mode and countermeasures
    Abstract: In this paper, is based on Shanghai college students entrepreneurship training development perspective, adopts literature research and empirical research method, focus on Shanghai proposed since 2005, "Shanghai government funding for college students to carry on the science and technology entrepreneurship, research oriented, innovation awareness,entrepreneurship to create more employment opportunities." To solve the problem of college students entrepreneurship policy changes to Shanghai the promulgation and implement of a series of relevant local laws, regulations and policy as the research object, a variety of life in Shanghai, the present situation and the development of college students entrepreneurship.Through literature research found that: at present, the Shanghai on college students' entrepreneurship related laws, regulations and policies, support and guarantee for college students' entrepreneurial activities and training mode of entrepreneurship education for college students in the national front row, but because our country college students' entrepreneurship education late, so lead to college students have certain social experience and business levels. In empirical research, but also focus on Shanghai's own expectations for the future development of college students and the current situation of college students currently undertaking questionnaires and interviews, etc. By combining theoretical research and empirical research, combining in the entrepreneurship of college students' views on current policy and experience, the current policy put forward Suggestions and opinions to complement and perfect.
    Keywords:    College students entrepreneurship; Education mode; Support experience; Policy changes;
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究目的及意义    1
      (二)研究内容    2
    (三)研究方法    2
    (四) 政策概况    3
    1.  多重优惠政策辅助    3
    2.  加强大学生创业能力培养    3
    3.  减免大学生创业初期的各项税务    3
    二、国内创业能力培养模式概述    5
    三、上海大学生创业能力培养现状    6
    (一) 上海市针对大学生创业的优惠政策    6
    (二) 上海市大学生创业能力培养的发展情况    7
    一、 针对上海大学生创业情况的调研    9
    (一)调研综述    9
    1.   调研背景    9
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