    Research On The Influence Of Changzhou City Metro Line 1 Construction On Urban Spatial Layout
    From the history of the evolution of urban spatial structure, we can find that in many factors that result in the changes of urban space, traffic is a particularly important and special factor. There are inseparable interaction relations in the evolution of the urban traffic and urban space layout, the subway as a transportation of a city, not only improves traffic conditions, but also guides the development direction of urban space. Building rail transit can create a good opportunity for reconstruction of old area and new urban district construction along the line, so as to support and guide the urban ‘multicenter-axes’ spatial arrangement and to promote the fusion of old city and new city zone.
    This paper mainly introduces the planning and preliminary construction situation of the Changzhou city metro line 1, from blow aspects to carry on research, including the influence of rail transit on city development axes and center, the relationship between rail transit and urban land-use, the influence on premium along the line and old city, and rail transit can strengthen accessibility of urban public space. To expound the influences of Changzhou city metro line 1 on urban spatial layout.
    Key words: Changzhou city; Urban public transportation; Rail transit; Construction of metro line 1; Urban spatial layout
    目    录
    1绪论    1
    1.1背景意义    1
    1.1.1研究背景    1
    1.1.2研究意义    1
    1.2研究综述    1
    1.3研究区简介    2
    1.3.1常州市地理位置概况    2
    1.3.2常州市公共交通概况    2
    1.4相关概念界定    2
    1.4.1城市空间布局的概念    2
    1.4.2影响城市空间布局的因素    2
    1.4.3城市空间布局的种类    3
    2常州城市空间布局的发展历史及现状    4
    2.1常州市古代时期城市空间布局    4
    2.2常州市近现代时期的城市空间布局的发展状况    4
    2.3常州市现代城市空间布局的发展状况    5
    3常州市地铁1号线的建设    5
    3.1地铁1号线规划    5
    3.1.1地铁1号线路线简介    5
    3.1.2地铁1号线经过的站点概况    6
    3.2地铁1号线建设概况    7
    3.2.1地铁1号线的建设进展    7
    3.2.2地铁1号线的建设特点    7
    4地铁1号线对常州城市空间布局的影响    9
    4.1改变城市空间布局模式    9
    4.1.1对城市发展轴的影响    9
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