    Abstract:The equalization of basic public service is defined as a region as a whole, the residents of different regions can enjoy the greatest degree of basically the same basic public services. In the development of the society, the equalization of basic public services mainly include the following four aspects: public infrastructure services, education services, medical services, social security and other aspects of the service, and then pided into 12 other aspects. The analysis and optimization of the equalization of basic public services helps to promote the justice, the harmony of socialist society and the development of China ’s economy. Therefore, not only are the academic circles very concerned about it, but the state also devotes a lot of efforts into it.
    This study is mainly based on the development of basic public service in Pizhou County of Xuzhou city. By establishing evaluation index system of equalization on public infrastructure, education, health care, social security in Pizhou county, dealing  with data of all aspects on the "Xuzhou statistical yearbook 2013" in Pizhou. The weights of 4 indexes can be calculated by entropy evaluation method and then get comprehensive scores of 24 counties in Pizhou, finally indexes of all towns can be displayed on the map by using space analysis method. region difference can be analyzed on the geographical location, population, GDP, the region area, the local financeial income and support, and the corresponding improvement measures on basic public service can be put forward according to the actual situation in Pizhou.
    Key words: basic public service; equalization; entropy method; spatial data an alysis; Pizhou
    1引言    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1. 2研究意义    1
    2研究区概况    1
    3研究的方法、技术路线及数据的来源    2
    3.1熵值法    2
    3.2技术路线    3
    3.3数据的来源    3
    4邳州公共服务指标体系的构建    4
    4.1指标体系构建的原则    4
    4.2公共服务指标体系构建    5
    5基本公共服务权重的确立及空间分析    6
    5.1基本公共服务均等化权重的确立    6
    5.2基本公共服务均等化的空间分析    6
    5.2.1邳州公共服务指标权重分析    6
    5.2.2邳州公共基础设施服务分析    7
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