    [摘 要]:改革开放三十几年以来,随着我国城市化和工业化的快速发展,我国广大农村地区普遍出现了农村空心化现象。我国中部地区农村空心化的现象主要表现在农村人口数量减少、迁移人口以中青年人口为主、农民住宅闲置率不断上升、农村经济发展缓慢、公共基础设施滞后、政治权利行使不正常等方面,通过从经济生活、政治制度和文化观念等方面来阐述农村空心化产生的原因,并针对农村空心化造成的留守老人生活负担加重、留守儿童问题突出、阻碍农业生产发展、土地资源浪费严重、农村居住环境恶化等问题,提出了加快推进农业产业化发展、鼓励农村劳动力就地转移、缩小城乡差距、鼓励全家迁移、做好土地流转、科学规划村庄建设、完善农村公共基础设施等对策来缓解农村空心化的影响,加快我国新农村建设的步伐。40750
    [Abstract] : More than 30 years of reform and opening up, with the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization in our country, the rural areas in China generally appear the phenomenon of rural hollowing out. Rural areas of central China hollowing out the characteristics of the main performance in the age structure, space form, economic level, political and cultural basis, public service facilities and social relations, etc., through the concept of economic life, political system and cultural aspects to elaborate the reasons of the rural hollowing out, and cause the waste of land resources in rural hollowing out, rural living environment deterioration, fause rural organizations at the grass-roots level and the lag of rural economic development, put forward to accelerate agricultural industrialization development, encourage the rural labor force transfer on-spot, narrow the gap between urban and rural village construction, scientific planning, strengthening the management of rural land and housing land, and improve the mechanism of rural grassroots organizations, enhance the capacity of public goods supply and other measures to alleviate the impact of the rural hollowing out, accelerate the pace of the new rural construction in our country.
    [key words] : the central region; Rural hollowing out; Population transfer
    1 引言    3
    2 欠发达地区农村空心化的现象    3
    2.1 农村人口数量减少明显    3
    2.2 迁移人口以中青年人口为主    3
    2.3 农民住宅闲置率不断上升    4
    2.4农村经济发展缓慢    4
    2.5 公共基础设施滞后    6
    2.6 政治权利行使不正常    6
    3 农村空心化产生的原因    6
    3.1经济生活因素    6
    3.1.1 城市收入高    6
    3.1.2农业生产效益低,投入产出率低    7
    3.2政策制度因素    7
    3.2.1城乡二元结构的长期存在    7
    3.2.2农村相关土地使用制度不健全    8
    3.2.3相关农村宅基地的法规不完善    8
    3.2.4农村建设缺乏科学的规划    8
    3.3文化观念因素    9
    3.3.1农村留守老人守土情结深厚    9
    3.3.2农村留守老人恋家情结浓郁    9
    4 农村空心化的影响    9
    4.1 留守老人生活负担加重    9
    4.2 留守儿童的问题突出    9
    4.3 阻碍农业生产发展    10
    4.4 造成土地资源严重浪费    10
    4.5 农村人居环境受到破坏    10
    5 缓解农村“空心化”的对策    11
    5.1积极推进农业产业化的发展,鼓励劳动力回流    11
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