    毕业论文关键词: 来沪务工人员;就业;保障;合法权益;精神世界
    The Research of Shanghai migrant workers employment security
    Abstract: Through the survey of questionnaire and interview, we found that the self protection consciousness of migrant workers to Shanghai was weak, and it existed difference between the migrant workers to Shanghai and the Shanghainese on applying for a job, salary, social insurance treatment and so on. The degree of blending in Shanghai was not high. At the same time, we found that the policy of our country is not perfect and the publicity is not in place. On the basis of in-depth research studies,this paper puts forward the governments at all levels should pay attention to the efficiency of the system itself and the presence of loopholes, strengthening the policy propaganda to form a consciousness of self initiative for migrant workers to Shanghai, to make them enjoy the deserves policy support in order to safeguard their rights and interests. At the same time,to strengthen the migrant workers to Shanghai's security consciousness, our government should guide them though the way step by step,changing their thoughts, life style, and then use legal weapon to maintain their own interests, reducing or avoiding happening the events of the violence to solve problems. Finally,we should advocate cultural enlightenment so as to improve their own quality, living in harmony.  
    Key Words:  migrant workers to Shanghai; employment;security
               legitimate rights and interests;spirit world
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景和目的    1
    1、 研究背景    1
    2、 研究目的    1
    (二) 研究意义    1
    1、 现实意义    1
    2、 理论意义    2
    二、文献综述    2
    (一) 国外研究现状    2
    (二) 国内研究现状    3
    (三) 发展趋势    4
    三、基础理论    4
    (一)理论    4
    1、马斯洛需求层次理论    4
    2、 X理论    5
    3、 Y理论    5
    (二)相关法律规定    6
    四、来沪务工人员就业保障基本情况调研    6
    (一) 调查方法    6
    1、 问卷调查    6
    2、 访谈法    6
    3、 政策梳理    6
    (二) 调查对象    7
    (三)实地调研结果    7
    1、基本情况调研    7
    (1)来沪务工人员的基本情况    7
    (2)男女劳动力比重    8
    (3)外出务工原因    9
    (4)从事的行业    9
    (5)工作时间统计    10
    (6)报酬情况    10
    (7)务工年限    11
    2、存在的问题及分析    11
    (1)自我保障意识薄弱    11
    (2)城市融入度不高    14
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