    毕业论文关键字: 农民工;养老保险;问题;对策
    Study on the problems and countermeasures of migrant workers' endowment insurance
    Abstract:In order to improve the endowment insurance of migrant workers, promote the implementation of endowment insurance system, to better protect the rights and interests of endowment insurance of migrant workers, improve the rate of participating social endowment insurance of migrant workers. Firstly, This paper explain the concept of migrant workers and endowment insurance of migrant workers, followed by a brief analysis of the establishment and development of China's endowment insurance system for migrant workers, the current status of endowment insurance of migrant workers, focus on the analysis of migrant workers endowment insurance for the existing problems; Then collate and analyze research results of scholars at home and abroad, and in Shanghai as an example,survey of migrant workers endowment insurance demand situation, combined with literature research results analysis the existing problems: migrant workers actual rate of participating endowment insurance for an average of 42.21%, inpidual payment amount is higher, 58 percent of migrant workers said do not understand the endowment insurance, the system of pension insurance relationship transfer and continuation is not perfect, the migrant workers personal monthly income is ¥3495, migrant workers endowment insurance demand accounted for the family per capita income 19.19%.  
    Finally, according to actual situation proposed relevant policy recommendations: to strengthen the propaganda, according to the actual situation in various regions of the lives of migrant workers appropriate to reduce the pension insurance payment amount, strengthen peasant workers endowment insurance information network construction, to increase the income of migrant workers, to strengthen endowment insurance of migrant workers supervision.
    Key words: migrant workers; endowment insurance; problem;countermeasures
    一、绪论    1
    (一)农民工和农民工养老保险的概念    1
        1、农民工    1
        2、农民工养老保险    1
    (二)农民工养老保险现状    2
    (三)研究目的和意义    3
    二、研究方法    3
    (一)文献研究法    3
    (二)实证调研法    3
    三、研究结果    4
    (一)文献研究结果    4
    1、农民工养老保险参保意愿较高,但实际参保率较低    4
    2、农民工养老保险个人缴费额度较高    5
    3、农民工对社会养老保险的认知程度不高    5
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