    (1)    目前群众对移动通信基站认知度很低。
    (2)    群众对有关通信基站的法律法规知之甚少,对基站的工作原理也不甚清楚,然而有很大的热情了解这些知识。现在的现状是群众很少有受到关于此方面的宣传教育。媒体或运营商多多宣传关于此方面信息或许有助于改变这种现状。
    (3)    群众认为运营商建设基站应进行必要的信息公开,便于人们了解项目情况。而现在有一些关于基站的环保纠纷并非是基站确实对周围公众产生了负面影响,仅仅是群众发现在不知情的情况下自家附近建起了基站而产生的抵触情绪进而造成纠纷。因此,现在有些运营商的做法有待商榷。
    (4)    在基站建设这方面,邻避效应现象比较突出,群众一面肯定基站建设会给自己带来一定的便利,同时也不想在自己家附近建设基站,其主要原因是可能会影响自己的健康。
    关键词:移动通信基站  公众认知度  调查研究
    Title: The survey investigation on the public recognition on mobile communication base stations                                   
    The rapid development of the society cannot leave the rapid development of information technology. Mobile communication base station as the development of information technology infrastructure, with update and upgrade communication technology, short construction period, large amount of construction, and usually located near the village and characteristics, therefore is closely related to the general public life. However, in recent years, more and more disputes about mobile communication base, visible, the masses of recognition of communication base stations are still to be improved.
    Based in Nanjing, some village and in the way of questionnaire and visiting on mobile communication base station public cognition questionnaire research on nearly 170 people. Based on the survey data statistics processing, preliminary to the following conclusion:
    (1) The mass of mobile communication base station recognition is very low.
    (2) People know little about the relevant laws and regulations of communication base station, the working principle of base station is not very clear, but has a great enthusiasm to understand these knowledges. The status quo now is the very few by propaganda and education about this. Media or operators of publicity about this information may help change that.
    (3) The crowd thought base station operator construction should be the necessary information, convenient for people to understand the project situation. Now have some environmental disputes about the base station is not the base station has a negative impact on the surrounding public really, just the crowd found in unwittingly built near their base station and the resistance which causing disputes. So, now some of the operators are questionable.
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