
    摘  要:互联网作为公民新的社会参与、政治参与的途径和平台,具有方便、快捷、门槛低等特点,对我国的民主政治建设产生了重大的影响。网络政治参与有利于政治表达、缓和负面情绪;有利于政府与民众的沟通,化解社会矛盾;有利于强化社会监督,对促进社会稳定具有积极的作用。但是网络政治参与对社会稳定也有负面的影响,不实消息特别是谣言传播,容易引发民众恐慌、社会秩序紊乱;放大问题、激化矛盾,容易引发群体性事件;冲击主流文化,削弱主流文化社会引导力、整合力以及网络暴力损害公民合法权益,影响社会稳定。应该通过推进网络政治参与的制度化建设,加强信息技术创新,维护信息安全;提高公民文化素质,培养政治参与能力;增强政府应对的能力,加大与民众沟通的力度;完善各种政治参与渠道,释放民众不满情绪等方面完善网络政治参与,兴利除弊,充分发挥网络政治参与对社会稳定的积极功能。59067


    Participating in Politics and Social Stabilization of the Era of MicroBlog

    Abstract:The Internet as a new approach for political and social participation,it is characterized by convenience,rapidness and low threshold, which has made great impact on the construction of democratic politics in our country. Network political participation is beneficial to political expression and defuse negative emotions. It is also conducive to the communication between the government and citizens and resolve social contradictions. It can strengthen social supervision and play an active role in promoting social stability. However, it brings many disadvantages to social stability at the same time. Spreading false news especially rumors can easily cause public panic, social turbulence, magnify problems and intensify conflict. It is easy to cause mass incidents, impact mainstream culture and weaken the guide force of social mainstream culture. It also includes network violence that damage the legitimate rights and interests and affect social stability. We should advance the institutional construction of political participation, strengthen innovation of information technology and maintain information security. For citizens, they should improve their quality of civil culture, train the ability of political participation. For government, first, they should enhance the ability of response, increase to communicate with citizens. Second, they should perfect various channels of political participation and release citizens’ discontent emotions. By these ways, we can consummate network political participation, promote benefit, abolish harm and make full use of function of network political participation to social stability.

    Key Words:  network age ; citizen;political participation; social stability; double effect




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