
    摘  要近年来,随着网络的发展,旅游者获取口碑信息的渠道变得更宽广,网络口碑对于旅游者决策的影响也越发深远。本文分别从网络口碑信息、网络口碑的接受者和传播者三个角度出发,通过对以往的相关文献进行回顾,提取关键因素,分析网络口碑对旅游者决策的影响因素,以及会影响旅游者作出怎样的决策,以此完善、扩充网络口碑交流的理论研究。制作问卷,进行数据分析,验证结果。最终证明了网络口碑的质量和数量,口碑方向性会影响旅游者的决策,发布者的专业程度和来源可信度,接受者的信任程度和涉入程度越高,网络口碑的影响越深,而接受者的专业程度并未产生明显作用。最后,也针对此类营销,提供若干的建议。69031


    Research on the Influence of Internet Word-of-mouth on Tourism Decision Making


     In recent years, with the development of the network,word of mouth information channels become more broad for the tourists. The influence of network public praise for tourists' decision is also more profound. In this paper respectively goes from three angles of the Internet word of mouth information, Internet word of mouth of recipients and propagators.Through the review of the previous literature to extract key factors, analysis of the impact of online word of mouth on the tourist decision-making factors, and studying the factors affect tourists made what kind of decision-making, which perfect the expansion of Internet word of mouth communication theory research. Make a questionnaire and conduct data analysis,then verify the results. Through analysis,It proves that the quality and quantity of Internet word of mouth, reputation affect the tourist decision-making, publisher of the professional level and source credibility, recipients of the degree of trust and involvement is higher, the deeper influence of Internet word of mouth will produce, and recipient of the professional degree does not have a significant effect. Finally, it also provides some suggestions for this kind of marketing.

    Key Words:Internet word of mouth;  Tourist;  Decision;  Influence

    目 录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目 录 III

    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究目的与意义 2

    二、文献综述 3

    (一)国内外关于网络口碑的研究综述 3

    (二)国内外关于旅游决策的研究综述 4

    三、问卷设计和结果分析 5

    (一)问卷结构 5

    (二)问卷回收 5

    (三)问卷设计和结果分析 5

    四、启示和建议 12

    (一)提升产品品质,提高旅游者满意度 12

    (二)监控网络口碑,防范负面口碑 12

    (三)鼓励,刺激正面网络口碑信息 12

    (四)建立信息反馈平台,重视网建设与维护 12

    参考文献 13

    附 录: 网络口碑对旅游者决策的影响研究调查问卷 14

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