
    摘  要近十几年来,江苏省入境旅游迎来了巨大的发展,入境旅游人数与外汇收入都不断增加,研究旅游消费结构对江苏省入境旅游业的发展具有重要指导作用。本文从旅游消费结构出发,用定性与定量相结合的分析方法,探明江苏省入境旅游消费结构在发展过程中显露问题。研究发现:消费结构不均衡、寡占现象严重、游览消费占比低、娱乐消费支出少。以此为基础提出改进方案:加强地区可进入性、开发旅游商品、寻找新型旅游资源、开发地域特色旅游、政府发挥主导作用。69032


    Evolution of Inbound Tourism Consumption Structure and Quality Improvement Research in Jiangsu Province


    In recent ten years, inbound tourism ushered in the great development in Jiangsu province, the number of inbound tourism and tourist foreign exchange income increase a lot. So, researching Inbound tourism consumption structure is great significance to the development of inbound tourism industry in Jiangsu province. This article obtains from the perspective of tourism consumption structure evolution, using the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, find out problems in inbound tourism consumption structure in Jiangsu province. The study found that, the consumption structure is not balanced, oligopolistic phenomenon is serious, tour consumption ratio is low, entertainment consumer spending less. On this basis, put forward improvement scheme: strengthening regional accessibility, development of tourism commodities, develop new tourism resources, develop special tourism, the government play a leading role.

    Key Words:  inbound tourism; the consumption structure; Jiangsu

    目  录

    摘要- І

    Abstract-- П

    目录- III

    一、引言 - 1

    二、江苏省入境旅游消费结构演变概况 1

    (一)入境旅游人均消费水平演变- 2

    (二)入境旅游消费结构演变-- 3

    三、入境旅游消费结构对比研究- 4

    四、江苏省入境旅游消费结构中所存在的问题- 5

    (一)消费结构不均衡- 5

    (二)寡占现象严重- 6

    (三)游览消费占比低- 6

    (四)娱乐消费支出少- 6

    五、江苏省入境旅游消费结构优化方案- 6

    (一)提高地区可进入性,减少交通费用-- 6

    (二)开发旅游商品,增加购物消费 7

    (三)寻找新型旅游资源,开发旅游目的地-- 7

    (四)开发特色旅游,提升产品内涵 7

    (五)完善娱乐设施,开发文化演艺产业-- 8

    参考文献 9

    一  引言


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