
    摘要自 20 世纪 90 年代以后,江苏省城市向外扩张速度加快,在自然发展和政府 干预的双重作用的前提下,农用地、建筑用地、未利用用地表现出复杂的双向流 动的特征。随着城市污染急剧增加,生态用地在城市发展中逐渐受到人们的重视, 有必要对城市生态性用地演化过程进行研究。分析 96 年以来的生态用地数据和 三次产业发展速率,利用 LUCC 的方法从而从城市经济发展、区域生态安全、 环境可持续发展等角度揭示近些年江苏省生态空间的现状、发展趋势和演变规 律。并通过分析其影响因素,提出相关有针对性的生态保护政策。69067

    该论文有图 8 幅,表 2 个,参考文献 9 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:城市化 生态空间 土地利用

    Research on the Ecological Space Process and Mechanism of Jiangsu Province


    Influenced by natural development and goverment intervention,agricultural land, building land and unused land have been exhibiting complicated didiretion-flow features, with the process of increasing city expansion in Jiangsu Province since the 1990s. Attention has been paid to ecological land, for the situation of  dramatic increase of city pollution, therefore, research must be conducted on the evolutionary process of the urban ecological land in Jiangsu. After analyzing the data of ecological land and the rate of three industrial development with the method of LUCC, this paper revealed Ecological space situation in Jiangsu province and development trends  and the evolution law in Ecological space with land use considering the urban economic development, region ecology safety and environmental sustainability,  etc. By analyzing the influence factors, and puts forward some targeted ecological evolution law protect policy.

    The paper has 8 diagrams ,2 tables, 9 references.

    Key Words: urbanization ecological space land utilization


    Abstract IV


    图清单 VI

    表清单 VI

    变量注释表 VII

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究区概况 1

    2 生态空间内涵及界定 4

    3 生态空间变动过程 5

    3.1 耕地变动过程 6

    3.2 林地变动过程 7

    3.3 公园与绿化变动过程 7

    3.4 湖泊、河流变动过程 8

    3.5 滩涂变动过程 9

    4 生态空间变动机理研究 9

    4.1 耕地变动影响因素 9

    4.2 林地变动影响因素 10

    4.3 公园与绿地变动影响因素 10

    4.4 河流、湖泊与滩涂变动影响因素 10

    5 结论与建议 11

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14



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