    Guangzhou as one of a few major cities in our country,with a high level of economic development and the rapid development of urbanization,the urban population is more and more intensive.However,its urban management is facing the bottleneck situation.In this context,the smart city construction is a new train of thought on the development of urbanization for Guangzhou.Therefore,this article takes Guangzhou as the research object,on the basis of through status quo and the construction of "smart Guangzhou" in the analysis of the problems that should be paid attention to during the process of construction,at the same time learn from Malaysia,Singapore,Sweden and the United States based on smart city construction experience,this paper puts forward the construction of personal advice:stick to the government dominance,actively called for enterprises and urban residents to participate;adhere to the characteristics of city itself,does a good job in the long-term planning;insist on the innovation of scientific and technological,improves the service level of science and technology;adhere to the talent training support programs,positive for talent pool;adhere to people's livelihood needs as the guidance,innovates urban management;;adhere to the perfect information security guarantee system,enhances information security awareness of city people;stick to broaden the financing channels,increases investment.
    Key words:Guangzhou;smart city;urbanization
    目  录
    摘  要     I
    Abstract     II
    前  言    1
    一、“智慧广州”建设现状分析    1
    (一)“智慧广州”之区域规划     2
    (二)“智慧广州”之建设模式     2
    (三)“智慧广州”之智慧应用     3
    二、“智慧广州”建设过程中存在的问题      3
    (一)实体的领导机构缺位     3
    (二)顶层设计欠缺     4
    (三)未掌握核心技术     4
    (四)智慧生活成本过高     5
    (五)未能有效实现协同管理     5
    三、国外智慧城市建设的经验启示     5
    (一)新加坡的“智慧国”     5
    (二)马来西亚的“多媒体超级走廊”     6
    (三)美国的智能电网     7
    (四)瑞典斯德哥尔摩的“智慧交通”     8
    四、广州市建设智慧城市的建议     8
    (一)坚持政府主导地位,积极呼吁企业、市民共同参与     8
    (二)坚持城市本身特色,积极做好长远规划     9
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