    Mega-event have a lot of impact on the region, economic growth, the impact of upgrading and urban construction scale, etc., this paper mainly studies the impact of events on the regional tourists.
    This paper is pided into five chapters. The first chapter mainly expounds the background and significance of this study. The second chapter is the literature review part, summaries the scholars of Chinese and foreign literature study about mega-event found research about the influence of the mega-event is an important aspect for the event study, in terms of economic, environmental and social culture have been the and, which for the tourism industry is the important one; however, research at home and abroad especially domestic research almost no specific studies on the impact of major events of long time scale.
    The third chapter and the fourth chapter are the key parts of this thesis. In the third chapter, the author selects four representative large international events - the Olympic Games and the World Expo, the Youth Olympic Games, the world horticultural exposition, the four event held in Beijing, Shanghai, China, Nanjing, Kunming, Shenyang, Xi'an, Qingdao seven city is studied, the author analysis of the panel data of the seven city tourism industry, the analysis found that large events on the regional tourism market "excavation effect", namely: large events held originally belonging to the years before and after the increase in the volume of tourists "digging" and "moving" to the incident, caused by the events of the year regional tourism passenger flow peak, and at the same time caused by events held around the year of the year of regional tourism market "low effect", previous studies presented in the peak of poly effect Should not be obvious, and with the property of the event, the event has a significant correlation, some large-scale events for the event held in the region of the passenger flow and even a certain crowding out effect".
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