    In this paper, the domestic and foreign literature on film and television tourism at home and abroad for nearly ten years were analyzed, the number of domestic and foreign research on film and television tourism, domestic and foreign research content as well as domestic and foreign research methods to be understood. Then, I mainly from the tourists to travel and entertainment in six aspects of the experience point of view, using the literature research method, deductive method, theoretical research and empirical research method, combined with the Ryan meet the expectation theory, consumer behavior theory, tourist experience theory, to study the status of Wuxi movie and TV tourism development. The town of Wuxi, travel and entertainment problems exist in five aspects in food, in food, food and beverage service needs to be improved, catering price too high; in the area of housing, residential level is not perfect, accommodation in general; in the aspect of travel, ticket prices are too high, too few natural landscape, public facilities are not reasonable; in purchase, the types of goods is too small, single store shopping environment, shopping distribution is not reasonable; in entertainment, experiential activities too repetitive, performing activities updated Slow. According to these problems to find the corresponding countermeasures, in food, food innovation, increase the propaganda of food, local materials to lower food prices; in housing, in the scenic area build accommodation facilities, on the surrounding supervision and management; in terms of travel, take flexible pricing strategy, pay attention to the integration of the natural landscape and cultural landscape, a reasonable increase in resting places and other public facilities; in the purchase, development of film and television drama surrounding products, according to the different cultural scenic area to create a different style shopping environment, arrange shopping store distribution; in entertainment, constantly updated type activities and performance experience.
    Key word: Wuxi film and Television City;development present situation;countermeasure            research
     目    录                       
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1选题背景    1
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