    关键词  政务微博  信息公开  现状  问题对策
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  Government Affairs Microblog on the role of local government information  disclosure                
    With the popular microblogging momentum throughout the country Administrator microblogging mushroomed opened. Administrative microblogging recent years the rise of microblogging to become a new platform for public information. Since the People's Republic of China on Open Government Information Regulations promulgated in 2007, information disclosure has been subject to central and local levels of government attention. Administrative microblogging open government information, transparency of government work tools. Public information of the Chief microblogging developed rapidly, but still there are many problems to find the existence of deep-seated reasons by exploring the development of the Administrative microblogging in the local government information disclosure, the proposed Administrative microblogging countermeasures in public information recommendations to the Chief microblogging play a more important role in promoting open government public information, and promote the expression of public opinion, to do a better job of the microblogging information disclosure..
    Keywords  Government Affairs Microblog  information disclosure  current situation  
     目   次
    1  引言    5
    1.1  研究的背景及意义    5
    1.2  研究方法    5
    1.3  研究的创新    6
    2  相关理论基础    6
    2.1  微博的定义    6
    2.2  政务微博的定义    6
    3  政府信息公开的概念    7
    3.1  政府信息公开的定义    7
    3.2  政府信息公开的作用    7
    4  政务微博现状    7
    4.1  我国政务微博的现状    8
    4.2  地方政府政务微博信息公开情况    9
    4.2.1  北京市政务微博信息公开概况    9
    4.2.2  上海市政务微博信息公开概况    10
    4.2.3  北京市政务微博信息公开概况    11
    5  政务微博与政府信息公开    13
    5.1  政务微博开通成为政府信息公开里程碑    13
    5.2  政务微博凸显政府信息公开问题    15
    5.3  政务微博问题削弱政府信息公开力度    16
    5.4  完善政务微博推动政府信息公开    18
    5.4.1  美英政府对微博的应用与管理    18
    5.4.2  政务微博发展对策    19
    结  论    22
    致  谢    23
    参考文献    24
    1  引言
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