    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  Protection of the rights and interests of migrant workers in the research of the government responsibility
    In recent years, the arrears of wages of migrant workers problems have occurred, such as discrimination phenomenon of migrant workers wage income is not high, large labor intensity, poor working environment, security system is not perfect and so on more and more serious, they are the farmer is rural area registered permanent residence, to work in the city without the city registered permanent residence, do not enjoy social security, they left for the city to make contribution, yearning for a city is not accepted by the city, free in. Looking from the present development situation, as long as the labor need there is the appearance of migrant workers. But the migrant workers rights and interests against the phenomenon is very common, go down for a long time, will hinder China 's economic and social development, also will affect the social harmony of Ankang, thus slowing down the process of Chinese city.
    Based on the analysis of the damage to the rights and interests of migrant workers, migrant workers rights and interests protection in the absence of government responsibility and how to construct a perfect system platform aspects, as for the theory, in-depth study of the protection of the rights and interests of migrant workers, contributes to the research and exploration to our country in social economic system reform, reflect social fairness problem, and for the community the construction of democracy and legal system and provide a theoretical basis and countermeasures from the perspective of practice, contribute to the functions of the government and the idea transformation, and formulate specific measures. Protection of the rights of migrant workers, so that they in the city enjoy fair treatment and rights, as soon as possible to promote the working way of life and idea idea change. Hope through research, can make the whole society further pay attention to the issue of migrant workers, so as to change their ideas and behavior patterns, truly care for migrant workers, to help migrant workers, promote the progress of the entire society.
    Key words:rights and interests; migrant workers; social security; government responsibility
    目  录
    1 引言    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    1
    1.2.1 国外研究现状    1
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