
    摘要近年来SNS在线社交网站蓬勃发展,国内外出现了无数大大小小的SNS网站,但是盈利模式的不清晰制约着SNS的进一步发展。 SNS网站的真实社会关系网络蕴含着巨大的商业价值,可以为电子商务企业提供丰富的客户信息与资源,并提高用户对网站的忠诚度;与电子商务的结合可以为SNS网站创造利润。因此,SNS与电子商务结合能够达到双方共赢。



    In recent years, SNS social networking sites flourish, there have been numerous large and small domestic and SNS website, but no clear profit model restricts the further development of SNS. Real social network SNS website contains a huge commercial value, can provide a rich resource for consumer e-commerce, and increase customer loyalty to the site; can create profits for the SNS website in conjunction with e-commerce. Therefore, SNS and e-commerce combined with the two sides to reach a win-win.

     Tencent was founded in November 1998 as a whole, China's largest integrated network of services provided, although Tencent's business covers a very wide range, including instant messaging, portals, interactive entertainment, Internet value-added services, mobile and Internet value-added services Advertising of several major parts, but instant messaging social software Tencent QQ started, several key strategic transformation are also a "social network" as the core product lines continue to integrate, have achieved great success. As a link to the online social space developed QQ, Tencent microblogging, wei-chat, Tencent is undoubtedly the leader in online social networking sites, across the threshold of the largest SNS development - users of its e-commerce mode transition will is the most representative. Its development and growth process of a series of product launches and achievements made in the integration of its social aspects, its goal is clearly not limited to instant messaging, not satisfied with the social platform into the field of e-commerce has begun to establish up to a social model as the core business strategy, the use of social platforms and high popularity, can provide users with online shopping platform for the exchange of information and comment, to help users make shopping decisions, thus promoting the development of e-commerce business social networking site, pulling people between interaction, combined with e-commerce, e-commerce development and improvement gradual transition mode.

    毕业论文关键词:关键词:电子商务模式 在线社交网络 微信 腾讯

    Keyword: e-commerce; SNS;Weichat; Tencent

    目    录

    摘    要 2

    目    录 4


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