    关键字  唇腭裂  教养行为  医务社工   
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title       A  Research  of  Parents’  Parenting  Behavior     
                  Whose  Baby  Has  Cleft  Lip  and  Palate        
                   ——A  Case  Study  of “New Life Plan”  
    Cleft lip and palate is a congenital oral facial deformity. In China, there will be one baby with lip or cleft palate or both in every 800 newborns, and the incidence of rural area is more than urban area, mountainous area is more than plain. Nowadays, many cleft lip and palate rescue plan is restricted to surgical treatment and poor family support, to help cleft lip and palate patients and the families to face difficult situations is few. So this is a missing of the social health system in China.
    This article is a study conducted by medical social worker practice based on the "New Life Plan". The research method is combining the quantitative and qualitative methods to explore the characteristics and influencing factors of the parents’ parenting behavior whose baby has cleft lip and palate and all of these parents took part in the group work service. The goal is to find the parents’ psychological status and parenting behavior style, and to propose appropriate proposals to expand the practice and theoretical development of the Chinese mainland public medical services, and to help the development of medical social work practice and theory.
    Keywords  cleft lip and palate  parenting behavior  medical social work
    目   次
    1.1 研究背景  1
    1.2 研究目的与意义  2
    2 文献综述3
    2.1 国外唇腭裂多学科发展历史3
    2.3 唇腭裂患儿及家长干预措施4
    2.4 文献总结与评价5
    3 研究框架与研究方法6
    4 唇腭裂患儿家长教养行为的统计分析 11
    4.1 家庭基本情况分析 11
    4.2 教养行为特点分析 15
    4.3 教养行为改变状况与影响因素分析 19
    4.4 家长教养行为总结分析 23
    5 对策与建议 24
    5.1 加强唇腭裂知识宣传与医疗资源链接 24
    5.2 发展医务社会工作,重视社会心理康复问题 25
    5.3 院内活动与院外活动并举,文持服务成效26
    5.4 建立专业序列治疗团队,发展多学科合作治疗经验26
    结论 27
    致谢 29
    参考文献 30
    附录1 唇腭裂患儿家长教养行为调查问卷(前测) 32
    附录2 唇腭裂患儿家长教养行为调查问卷(后测) 34
    附录3 唇腭裂患儿家长教养行为访谈提纲(一个月后) 37
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