    关键词:人口老龄化      社会化养老服务       重庆市XS
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title     The Study on Small Town’s Socialized Supply  
     Of Older Services --Take XS ChongQing as an Example                                           
    China's aging issues has gotten more serious, affecting socio- economic development in China. In recent years, with growing economic development, the traditional family pension mode and the single institutional pension model cannot solve the pension problems of the current aging issues. Moreover, our country is in a period of social transformation, where people are getting older and richer, which makes this issue more prominent and serious. Thus, a completely socialized service system, which gives full play to the strengths of the various pension models, and integrates resource use, is crucial. This combination of sociology, economics and theories of social work includes unstructured interviews, comparative analysis, data analysis, and reference literature and other methods. Using XS in Chong Qing as an example, towards its socialization service for the elderly as an existing problem, can be used as reference for analysis. On this basis, from a professional point of view of social work, we can put forward some countermeasures and suggestions. In order to promote the socialized service system and support the growing elderly in small cities and towns.
    Keywords:       population,       ageing, socialized service,    ChongQing XS
    目   次
    1.1  研究的背景与意义1
    1.2  文献回顾2
    1.2.1 社会化养老的相关研究2
    1.2. 2 现有研究不足及未来研究取向4
    2   研究设计4
    2.1  研究思路和方法4
    2.3  理论假设5
    3  有关社会化养老概念的界定6
    3.1.1 社会化养老6
    3.1.2 传统的家庭养老模式6
    3.1.3  社会化养老服务7
    3.2  东部城镇的人口老龄化及社会化养老服务发展经验8
    3.2.1 上海的社会化养老服务8
    3.2.2  南京的社会化养老服务建设9
    3.2.3 北京市社会化养老服务建设10
    3.2.4  天津市的社会化养老服务实践相关经验11
    3.3   东部发达地区城市发展养老社会化服务实践带来的经验11
    4  重庆市XS社会化养老服务状况研究12
    4.1.  XS改革开放以来取得的经济成就13
    4.1.2  社会保障事业不断推进,科教文卫全面进步13
    4.2   XS老龄群体基本概况14
    4.2.1  人口老龄化,高龄化发展趋势明显14
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