


    毕业论文关键词   机构养老服务   供给   需求  专业化  

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Discusses the Professional Development of Urban Nursing Home for the Aged from Supply and Demand——Nanjing as an example


    Along with our country aging crisis deepening, also deeply research to the problem of pension, pension service demand also began to surge. Current the way of old-age care mainly pided into: home-based care community services for the aged and nursing home care. Grow with China's one-child generation, is constantly weakening of traditional home-based care, nursing home care gradually increased. Nowadays, old-age security system in China develops gradually, but about the elderly life care pension services development is slow, cannot satisfy the current pension service demand. Because of the encouragement and guidance from government, community care agencies and some personal care agencies began to develop.

    In recent years, the quantity and scale of nursing home in China develop rapidly. Due to the large population, rapidly increased ageing population and traditional home-based care thought, we cannot copy foreign mode directly. This article researches the nursing home for the aged provided services and the elderly on pension service demand, it also comes up with some professional development suggestions.

    Keywords institution for old-age care supply demand professional


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究问题的提出 1

    1.2  研究方法 2

    1.3  研究综述 3

    2  相关理论基础 6

    2.1  马斯洛的需求层次理论 6

    2.2  福利多元化理论 6

    2.3  顾客导向理论 7

    3  南京市机构养老的需求分析 8

    3.1  调研样本基本情况 8

    3.2对养老机构的基础需求 8

    3.3  老年人对养老机构的服务需求 11

    4  南京市养老机构的供给分析 13

    4.1  南京市养老机构概况 13

    4.2  南京市养老机构个案分析 13

    5  南京市养老机构供需矛盾分析

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