



    毕业论文关键词  城市空巢老人  养老模式  空巢老人生活状况

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The Analysis of Urban Empty Nester’s Living Condition and Pension Mode in City


    Urban empty nester has made great contribution to the social prosperity, but some people are facing economic difficulties, lack of care, the spirit of solitude. Properly arrange their life, as the old-age empty nest of the trend of the prepared in advance ,has important practical significance to the construction of social security system which adapts with it. This topic will be through the investigation in a district of S city as an example, to analyze the city empty nester living conditions and pension mode. Hope the improvement and implementation of research results to help city empty nester pension model.

    In this paper, based on questionnaire, mainly is the literature data collection and collation, on the basis of city empty nester unstructured interviews designed questionnaire, and then according to the test results of the final draft of the revised questionnaire to form the final questionnaire, investigate and report writing.

    In the process of analysis, the theory and practice of combining sociology and social work, empirical investigation of certain, the status of a district empty nester endowment S and existing problems, and puts forward some suggestions to solve the problem.

    Keywords  Empty-nest elderly, Empty-nest elderly in city, living condition, pension mode

    目   次

    1  绪论1

    1.1  选题背景1

    1.2  研究意义1

    1.3  空巢老人的相关概念2

    1.4  空巢老人的相关文献回顾2

    2  研究对象及方法4

    2.1  研究对象4

    2.2  研究方法4

    3  理论依据4

    3.1  需求层次理论5

    3.2  社会持理论5

    4 城市空巢老人生活状况的分析 6

    4.1  样本的基本情况6

    4.2  城市空巢老人生活状况的描述性统计分析8

    5  城市空巢老人的养老模式 15

    5.1  居家养老 15

    5.2  机构养老 15

    5.3  社区养老 16

    5.4  结论 16

    6  存在的问题及建议 16

    6.1  城市空巢老人生活状况 16

    6.2  城市空巢老人养老模式 17




    1  绪论

    1.1  选题背景


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