

    毕业论文关键词  独生子女与非独生子女  大学生消费心理  家庭地位  家庭经济条件  受教育程度  教育方式 

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title A comparative analysis of consumer psychology between   the only-child and non-only-child college students——Case of Nanjing                                      


    As a special consumer groups, there is a great difference between the only-child and non-only-child college students. The article is based on the questionnaire survey and analyzes the only child and non-only child from a university in Nanjing through sampling survey was conducted, from the angle of family status, the family economic conditions, parents' level of education and family education. The article analyzes the influence of only-child and non-only-child college student and compares the differences, analysis of both the rationality and the particularity of consumer psychology. And find Consumption characteristics of only child and non - only child has the following three points: the actual consumption is the mainstream and trend; interpersonal communication and entertainment consumption growth, fashion features prominent; impulse buying is often replaced the planned purchase. Consumption has become a survival type to quality type trend, consumption patterns moving in the direction of persification. And put forward some countermeasures from the angle of family factors. Meaning is to supplement and improve the relevant research system, providing reference for future research.

    Keywords  The only-child and non-only-child College students’ Psychological Status of the family The family economic conditions Level of Education of parents

    1  导言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 1

    文献回顾 3

    3  研究设计 6

    3.1  相关概念介绍 6

    3.2  研究方法 6

    3.3  假设前提 6

    4  研究结果 9

    4.1  问卷设计 9

    4.2  调查结果 9

    4.3  相关性分析 11

    结论 16

    1  关于独生子女和非独生子女消费心理差异的一般性结论 16

    2  独生子女和非独生子女大学生消费心理的共同特征

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