

    Abstract: With the advancement and development of the e-business boom, despite a traditional home industry was in the doldrums, but in the end, with its own characteristics in the current e-commerce development efforts into one positive and continue to seek business model groping for their own development. From B2C to change O2O, home electricity providers are experiencing this game online and offline interactive test, explore more long-term benefits and more stable breakthrough. Successful business operation mode can not be separated or not consumers, consumer demand and behavior driven enterprise development, and consumer product or service satisfaction should naturally become important content, companies need to study the industry's customer satisfaction Factors degree, because in order to achieve customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer loyalty in order to improve the rate of reconstruction, but also have a positive impact on the development of enterprises on reputation. For many scholars and theoretical level of customer satisfaction evaluation model and so have done a thorough research on this basis, the paper from both online and offline environments summed up under the home industry O2O mode affects customer satisfaction factors related to the establishment of the index system to analyze the results of the questionnaire, and then from the objective to the next home industry O2O electricity provider model gives suggestions to enhance customer satisfaction.

    毕业论文关键词: O2O模式; 顾客满意度; 影响因素; 指标体系  

    Keyword: O2O commerce model; customer satisfaction; influence factors;indicator system

    目    录


      1.1 研究背景和意义4

      1.2 研究内容4

      1.3 本文创新点5


      2.1 关于O2O模式的相关研究5

      2.2 关于顾客满意度的相关研究5

      2.3 电商环境下顾客满意度的相关研究6

      2.4 研究存在的问题7


          3.1 家具行业O2O电商模式7

          3.2 家具行业O2O电商模式下的顾客满意度影响因素8

             3.2.1 顾客消费行为过程 8

             3.2.2 家具行业O2O电商模式下的顾客满意度影响因素10

          3.3 家具行业O2O电商模式下的顾客满意度指标体系构建 11

    4.家具行业O2O模式下顾客满意度调查设计与结论分析 13

      4.1 调查问卷的设计和信息收集 13

         4.1.1 美乐乐背景概况13

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