
    2.2.2 Principles for teaching in TPR Method

        TPR method can easily be used in an everyday classroom routine. TPR activities can be games and TPR method can be followed by songs. TPR method is not based on texts as well. Because young children have little vocabulary, we can’t always use basic text in class. The TPR activities are enjoyable, fun, interesting, because the classes are filled with songs, games and other activities. And also, it is bilateral. TPR method has two features. Firstly, it is known that language activities are carried out in the left brain, and physical actions are coordinated by the right brain. Using TPR method in language teaching helps children work both parts of the brain (Asher, 1977). Secondly, while learning a language, children focus on movements, so they acquire the language unconsciously, which reduce stress of learning a language just like Krashen (1982) mentions as Affective Filter Hypothesis. Based on these reasons, TPR method is suitable in early children education; meanwhile, as for us, pre-service English teacher, we need to use these kinds of teaching methods to highlight our classes, if we tend to work in primary school.

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