


    The Research on Existing Problems and Countermeasures  of the Labor-intensive Industries Development

     in Wujiang City Hengshan Town


    The labor intensive industry along with the whole process of the economic development, and has a crucial impact on the level of an area’s social and economic development. Our country is a big agriculture and peasant country. Therefore, at certain stage, the labor intensive industry plays a very important role in the process of China's rural economic development. Hengshan Town of Wujiang City is a typical small Southern Jiangsu town and the labor intensive industry is an important pillar of its economic development. However, there still exist some problems, such as shortage of manpower, limited private property, gliding outstanding achievement and so on. It needs to perfect from aspects of management pattern transformation, talent and technology improvement, industry cluster, private industry reformation and other aspects.

    Keywords: Hengshan Town of Wujiang City; labor intensive industry; problems and Countermeasures

    目   录

    0 引言 1

    1 相关理论与概念 1

    1.1 国内外研究综述 1

    1.2 相关概念界定 3

    2 吴江市横扇镇劳动密集型产业现状 4

    2.1 数量方面 4

    2.2 质量方面 4

    2.3 规模方面 4

    3吴江市横扇镇劳动密集型产业发展过程中存在的主要问题 5

    3.1 劳动力短缺 5

    3.2 民营产业局限 5

    3.3 业绩下滑 6

    4吴江市横扇镇劳动密集型产业存在问题的原因分析 7

    4.1 劳动力限制 7

    4.2 管理机制存在问题 8

    4.3 技术水平的限制 9

    4.4 市场的制约 10

    5 完善吴江市横扇镇劳动密集型产业发展对策建议 10

    5.1 经营模式的转变 10

    5.2 人才与技术的进步 12

    5.3 产业集群 14

    5.4 加民营工业改革 14

    结  论 16

    致  谢 17

    参考文献 18


    0 引言


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