

    毕业论文关键词: 新生代劳动力;民营企业;人力资源管理;

    The Research of the Management Problem of the New Generation Labor From the Prospective of Human Resource Management

    ——Taking Dachang Electronics Co.,Ltd of Rugao As An Example.


    The new generation labor who were born after 1980s and 1990s is the main force of labor market. They grew up in the era of more open, received a good education compared to their fathers, and formatted their unique personality with strong characteristics of times. So the management of the new generation labor became the new challenge of enterprises. The article focuses on a small and medium-sized private enterprise——Dachang Electronics Co.,Ltd of Rugao, analyzes the management problems such as broad requirements of recruitment、 salaries and benefits lacking of excitation、ignoring the career planning of the new generation labor. According to the result of questionnaire of the new generation labor in the company, the article analyzes the reasons that lead to these problems and provides the methods to change this situation from the respects of recruitment、training、salaries and benefits、construction of company culture. The research aims to help the private enterprises apply these methods in the practical management of the new generation labor in order to realize the developing of both the new generation and the private enterprises.

    Keywords:The New Generation Labor;Private Enterprise;Human Resource Management

    目  录

    0引言 1

    1相关概念与理论 1

      1.1相关概念界定 1

      1.2国内外研究理论 2

    2如皋市大昌电子有限公司概况 4

      2.1大昌电子有限公司介绍 4

      2.2大昌电子有限公司新生代劳动力情况介绍 4

    3大昌电子有限公司新生代劳动力管理的主要问题和原因分析 6

      3.1人手缺乏,招聘条件宽泛 6

      3.2忽视新生代员工培训,培训意识和体系缺乏 6

      3.3绩效考核方式单一,薪资福利缺乏激励性 7

      3.4新生代劳动力日常管理困难 8

      3.5忽视新生代劳动力的职业生涯规划 9

    4完善大昌电子有限公司新生代劳动力人力资源管理的对策 10

      4.1重视招聘,从源头提高员工质量 10

      4.2加强对基层员工中的新生代劳动力的培训 11


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