

        In twenty-first Century, with the development of the Internet, the world market opened, business globalization, domestic and foreign online shopping has become a popular trend. Online shopping continued to rise in the number of consumers, online shopping market is showing a double growth of the scale and size of the user's user profile. According to the nearly two years of online shopping market survey, nearly 70% of China's online shoppers love to buy cosmetics, in recent years in our country cosmetics online shopping transaction size remained in the sales network of the top three, the volume of transactions innovative high. Based on the advantages of online shopping, the domestic cosmetics brand has a comprehensive space to expand, but foreign first-class cosmetics brands settled in the domestic cosmetics market has been a considerable impact. So in addition to the advantages of online shopping platform itself, for the domestic cosmetics companies, correctly grasp the consumer psychology and behavior characteristics, will be conducive to completely grasp the operation skills online shopping, have a definite object in view to adjust marketing strategy, product innovation, to realize the comprehensive development of the domestic cosmetics market has a important strategic significance.


     Keyword : Cosmetics online shopping consumer; psychology and behavior; marketing strategy

    目  录

    第一章 引  言 5

    1.1选题的背景、意义以及目的 5

    1.1.1 研究的背景 5

    1.1.2 研究意义 6

    1.1.3研究目的 7

    1.2 研究内容 7

    1.2.1 研究主要内容 7

    1.2.2 研究内容的主要结构 9

    1.3  研究方法 9

    第二章  文献综述 10

    2.1化妆品网购消费者心理与行为研究的文献综述 10

    2.1.1 化妆品的相关研究 10

    2.1.2  中国化妆品市场的研究 10

    2.1.3 化妆品网购的渠道研究 12

    2.2 影响化妆品消费心理与行为的因素的相关研究 13

    2.2.1化妆品网购消费者心理的相关研究 13


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