



    With the acceleration of urbanization in our country, more and more be incorporated in the construction planning of rural land. After a lot of "village in city" land demolition, instead, the government vigorously build farmers resettlement community. And between the "village in city" and "farmers resettlement community" has a unique form of community, which hurt i. transitional resettlement community. It had acquired a certain number of land-lost farmers or relocated, due to urban and rural duality system in our country, although these residents from household registration by "farmers" into "civil", however it is social security, employment ability, and urban residents have a certain gap, help them to finish by "farmers" to "peasant", from "urbanization" to "active" urbanization transformation, for the community development and social development is of great significance.

    This article, from the perspective of the definition to dismantle i. the temporary community, in ningbo jiangdong district jiangnan mulberry home temporary area as the research object, through questionnaire and actual interviews, to understand and, after analyzing the situation of community service abilities, this paper analyzes the existing problems of community service, and has carried on the reason analysis, and use of regional development and community care two community work mode combined with the actual, put forward corresponding countermeasures, hoping to the healthy development of the transitional resettlement community residents and role transformation provide certain help.

    毕业论文关键字:拆村建居; 过渡安置社区; 问题; 居民城市化; 志愿者

    Keyword:the temporary community; problem; residents of urbanization; volunteers

    目    录

    摘  要2


    一、引  言4












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