
    摘  要旅游购物是旅游六个基本要素之一,是旅游消费结构中弹性最大,最具有潜力的组成部分,是我国经济收入重要来源。但在旅游购物环节中,出现了很多不和谐的现象:导游人员收受回扣,强迫、诱导、欺骗旅游者购物以换取高额回扣的事件层出不穷,使本来就比较薄弱的购物环节更加不堪一击。导游购物回扣之风屡禁不止,高额的购物回扣使得导游已经对本职工作的重心发生了偏移,使得导游人员的社会形象大大降低,旅游者合法权益受到侵害,对旅游业的负面影响越来越大。本文试图通过分析导游购物回扣形成的原因, 找出解决的途径, 以破解这一困扰旅游业的难题, 通过国家、社会特别是旅游业自身的努力为国家旅游发展平道路, 实现其持续健康发展。69035


    Analysis and Countermeasures of Tour Guide's Shopping Rebate


    Tourism shopping is one of the six basic elements, is flexible in tourism consumption structure is the largest, most part of the potential, is our country economic income important source. But in tourist shopping link, there are many inharmonious phenomena: tour guide personnel accepting kickbacks, force, induce, deceive tourists shopping for high kickbacks event emerge in endlessly, make originally is a weak link of shopping more vulnerable. Guide the wind of shopping rebates, high shopping rebates that guide has been on the job have taken place in the center of gravity of the migration, greatly reducing the social image of tour guide, tourists' legitimate rights and interests are violated, the negative effect on the tourism industry is more and more big. This article attempts through the analysis of the causes of the formation of guide shopping rebate, find out the ways to solve, to crack the problem in tourism industry, through the efforts of the state, society, especially the tourism industry itself as a national tourism development path, realize the sustainable and healthy development.

    Key Words: The tour guide shopping rebate;  Causes;  Correct Countermeasures

    目  录

    摘  要


    目录 III

    一、 引言 1

    二、 导游购物回扣概述 1

    (一)导游购物回扣的界定 1

    (二)导游购物回扣的实质 2

    三、 导游购物回扣现状分析 2

    (一)导游购物回扣的产生分析 2

    (二)导游购物回扣的影响 3

    四、 导游购物回扣的根源分析 4

    (一)国家立法,政府监管层面 4

    (二)旅行社内部机制不合理 6

    (三)导游人员体系不科学、素质不够 6

    (四)旅游者不理性旅游行为 7

    (五)旅游景区管理不够,购物店乱象多 8

    (六)大众媒体、媒介推波助澜负面报道多 9

    五、 导游购物回扣问题匡正对策 10

    (一)国家建立健全法律法规、政府增强监管力度 10


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