


    Analysis on procurement of materials classified management  of  Century  Hualian  Supermarket

    Abstract With the fast-paced development of society, people pursue more convenience.Supermarkets as a way to facilitate people stands out.In order to meet customer's demand for a wide range of consumer.There are a variety of goods in supermarkets.If we use the same way to manage commodity regardless of it's ease of purchase ,whether it is fragile, the size of the demand, the price level, the length of shelf life,will increase the workload of staff, also makes it difficult for customers to find the goods they need.So managers need to learn to use ABC classification to classify goods.Thus,staff can integrate the classification of goods quickly.It can ensure supermarket sells goods well.Then, supermarket managers will increase income.In this paper,we take  Hualian Supermarket Barracks sub-station as research object.This paper takes expenditure level of goods, sales profit, the degree of difficulty of purchasing channels and he degree of difficulty of storage (shelf life, easy to damage) as reference factor.Four factors given by the weighted average method different weights, considering the four factors, obtain comprehensive ABC classification.ABC classification management method not only can be used classification of goods widely , it can also carry out scientific analysis of supplier management.According to the analysis of the current situation, the paper puts forward solutions to the problems of three kinds of materials on the aspects of inventory, display and supplier selection.

    Keywords:Supermarkets; ABC classification;Materials Category;Supplier Management

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    0引言 1

    1基础理论 1

    1.1超市商品分类的基本标准 1

    1.2常用分类方法 2

    1.2.1 ABC分类法概述 2

    1.2.2 AHP层次分析法概述 3

    2江苏如东世纪华联超市在物资分类管理方面的现状与问题 4

    2.1超市简介 4

    2.2超市商品分类管理的现状与问题 5

    2.2.1超市商品同质化现象严重 5

    2.2.2商品分类混淆不清 5

    2.2.3商品保存不完善 5


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