




    Research on distribution strategy optimization of JD 

    Abstract With the rapid development of modern information technology, the rapid increase of living standards of consumers and the persification of demand for goods and rapid change, the traditional shopping way cannot meet the demand of consumers growing in all aspects.In this case, based on the network shopping mode of electronic commerce arises at the historic moment.

        JD mall is domestic network shopping mall and the typical representative of e-commerce enterprises, its distribution strategy is worth in-depth study.This paper deeply studied the logistics distribution mode of JD mall, optimize the logistics distribution strategy of JD mall, reduce enterprise in the logistics cost, improve the efficiency of enterprise distribution, comprehensive logistics service quality and management efficiency.At the same time by PEST analysis, porter's five model analysis, SWOT analysis to comprehensive research circumstances of jingdong mall distribution strategy, analysis the advantages and disadvantages of two kinds of logistics mode, JD mall and put forward effective improvement opinions and feasible plan.

        Through the analysis and study of JD mall, you can find the domestic electricity enterprises and their common problems existing in the development of logistics, to provide reference for domestic logistics development.

    Keywords:JD mall; logistics distribution model;PEST analysis;SWOT analysis

    0 引言 1

    1 网购企业的物流配送发展现状分析 1

    1.1 背景分析 1

    1.2 网购企业物流配送运营策略分析 2

    1.3 网络购物物流模式的发展现状 3

    2 京东商城物流配送现状分析 3

    2.1 京东商城简介 4

    2.2 京东物流配送的布局思路 4

    2.2.1京东的物流发展思路 4

    2.2.2京东的物流布局结构 4

    2.3 京东物流模式 5

    2.4 京东商城物流配送模式存在的问题 6

    3 京东配送策略分析 7

    3.1 基于PEST分析法的京东商城战略环境分析 7

    3.1.1 PEST分析简介 7

    3.1.2 京东商城宏观环境分析 7

    3.2 基于波特五力模型的行业竞争分析

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