

    毕业论文关键词  乡村自治  大学生村官  角色困境  

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  College-Graduate Village Official’s Role Predicament: Analysis from the View of Rural Autonomy


    Confined to the status of social population and the present situation of domestic and international economic development, the College-Graduate Village Official was proposed not only to add up the solution for college graduates’employment problems, but also to promote the New Rural Construction. However, there are inevitably some problems in the procession of this policy because of subjective and objective factors. This paper mainly discusses college-graduate village official’s role predicament that analysis from the view of rural autonomy, and  trying to work in this case by the full description of the status of rural autonomy and college-graduate village official’s role predicament in their work and self-development specifically, so that to clarify the differences and relations between the traditional village autonomy and contemporary democratic politics, and on this basis, searching for the way to balance the relations between the rural autonomy and the national management so that to improve the role of the college-graduate village official and put forward some suggestions about strengthening the college-graduate village official’s role function.

    Keywords  Rural Autonomy    College-Graduate Village Official    Role Predicament

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究目的 2

    1.3  文献综述 3

    1.3.1  对当前中国乡村自治的历史及现状的研究 3

    1.3.2  对当前大学生村官制度的探讨 4

    1.3.3  乡村自治视角下大学生村官的困境研究 6

    1.3.4对现有研究成果的分析与总结 7

    1.4  研究方法 8

    1.4.1  文献研究法 8

    1.4.2案例研究 8

    1.4.3多学科方法的综合运用 8

    1.5本文创新点 8

    1.6本文不足之处 9

    2  相关概念及界定 10

    2.1  乡村自治的界定 10

    2.1.1  乡村自治的定义 10

    2.1.2  当前乡村自治的存在的问题 10

    2.2  大学生村官制度的界定

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