

    毕业论文关键词  人才  中小城市  政策   

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The talent policy issues in the development of small and medium-sized cities---a case study of Yangzhou Guangling                                           


    Nowadays, China is shift from high input, high consumption-driven economic growth to let the scientific and technological innovation lead the economic development, at the same time the demographic pidend challenged, near the inflection point. When Demographic pidend window closes, it is imperative in accordance with the general idea of the changing patterns of development to implement the innovation-driven strategy, to strengthen the development of human resources, shift from talent bonus to the demographic pidend. This article described the number of personnel and structure of status quo in current Yangzhou City, systematically expounded Yangzhou’s talent development policy and its role in regional development. Combined with the personnel policies of other countries and regions, to explore the existing problems of its personnel policy, against the role and influence, we link the theoretical knowledge of many disciplines, attempts to explore a series of thinking and recommendations of how the government play a guiding role through the personnel policy oriented in the process of structuring and development of small and medium-sized cities.

    Keywords  talented person  small and medium-sized cities  policy 

    目   次  

    1  绪论1

    1.1  研究背景及意义1

    1.1.1  背景1

    1.1.2  缘起1

    1.1.3  意义1

    1.2  文献综述2

    1.2.1  国内2

    1.2.2  国外4

    1.2.3  研究小结5

    1.3  研究结构与方法5

    1.3.1  论文结构5

    1.3.2  研究方法6

    2  核心概念及理论基础7

    2.1  核心概念的界定7

    2.1.1  人才的新内涵7

    2.1.2  创新创业人才7

    2.1.3  人才政策8

    2.2  人才政策理论基础8

    2.2.1  人力资本理论8

    2.2.2  区域竞争理论9

    2.2.3  人与环境匹配理论9

    3  中小城市人才现状—以扬州广陵区为例9

    3.1  中小城市人才现状概述9

    3.2  扬州市广陵区人才现状与成效10

    3.3  人才问题及原因分析10

    4  西方发达国家人才政策对中小城市人才政策的借鉴11

    5  江苏其他中小城市人才政策的成效12

    5.1  江阴市的经验和做法12

    5.2  张家港市的经验和做法13

    6  对中小城市人才政策的思考与建议14

    6.1  思考15

    6.1.1  梳理与整合现有人才政策15

    6.1.2  完善新政策制定程序15

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