


     Research on the Relationship between Leadership Behavior and Business Growth


    This paper studies the relationship between the behavior of the leadership and the growth of enterprises, mainly to explore the following areas: first, introduction, to describe the main contents of this article and to provide an idea for writing the paper; Then making correlation analysis of the relationship between the leadership and the growth of enterprises, which make further analysis of the relationship between them .Finally, put forward a strategy to study the leadership behavior in the business growth, summarized the full text and look into the future. The study found a variety of leadership behaviors, in terms of inpidual leaders, the most important factor of effective leadership behavior depends on its own influence or personal charisma, including their own emotional intelligence, character, self-awareness and control, communication skills, etc..The effectiveness of their leadership behavior mainly associated with how to deal with some things and behaviors in the team, such as how to motivate the team to deal with team conflicts, to create a team culture and team spirit, to the use of power,the personnel, licensing, control, how to create an organizational culture and leadership culture.

    Key words:Leadership Behavior;Business Growth; Communication; Strategy


    0 引 言 1

    1 领导行为与企业成长的理论概述 1

    1.1 领导行为的含义 1

    1.2企业成长的概念界定 2

    2 领导行为与企业成长协同发展的分析 3

    2.1领导者的能力制约企业的成长 3

    2.2领导理论分析 4

    2.3领导行为与企业发展模型设计与分析 6

    3 完善领导行为在企业成长中的策略研究 10

    3.1创造领导力,造就领导文化 10

    3.2重视领导力风格 11

    3.3重视员工的态度 11

    3.4建立良好的危机沟通能力 12

    结论 15

    致谢 16

    参考文献 17 


    0 引 言


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