


    毕业论文关键词:平衡计分卡;绩效计划; 指标体系

    Study on Performance Management Plan System Structure of a Suzhou Public Institution Based on the Balanced Scorecard


    Globalization is making enterprise external environment become much more cruel, especially in the Chinese enterprise. The cruelty of the external environment requires the China's top leaders to be better at strategic thinking; The changes of the enterprise competit- ion foundation force more Chinese enterprise entrepreneurs and senior managers to reflect seriously on their enterprise future strategy. However,execution is the key to the strategic management and a successful enterprise is equal to the strategy multiplied by execution.

    On the one hand, as a strategic management tool, the balanced scorecard leaves the enterprise strategy the central position in the management process of the company, describing the company's strategy and showing it in the all levels in the company with a kind of simple and consistent method; On the other hand, as a performance management tool as well, the balanced scorecard conveys to the management of the company what promotes the future performance and how to realize new shareholder value by the investment of the customers, internal operation, staff, and so on.

    Key words: Balanced scorecard;Performance plan;Index system


    0 引言1


    1.1 基于平衡计分卡的绩效管理计划体系构建的原则以及重点内涵1

    1.2 基于平衡计分卡的绩效管理计划体系构建的流程2

    2 苏州特检院绩效管理体系的现状及存在的问题5

    2.1 苏州特检院概况5

    2.2 案例单位绩效管理体系的现状及存在的问题6

    3 基于平衡计分卡的苏州特检院绩效管理计划体系的构建7

    3.1 战略分析与研讨,绘制战略地图7

    3.2 构建分院平衡计分卡,编制分院《经营绩效计划》11

    3.3 构建部门平衡计分卡,编制部门《经营绩效计划》14

    3.4 构建个人平衡计分卡,编制员工《个人绩效计划》19

    结  论21

    致  谢22


    附  录24


    0 引言


    1 基于平衡计分卡的绩效管理计划体系的构建

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