


     The present situation of the application of psychological test in personnel assessment and the Countermeasures

    Abstract: Psychological test is a modern personnel assessment process in a very important technical means, it is after carefully designed by scientific research product, is widely used in various fields of human resources development and management, and provide information support for enterprises to successfully carry out human resource management. However, in our country in the use of the talent assessment process, some problems still exist, the talent selection, recruitment is not satisfactory. In this paper, by the status of talent evaluation analysis, and points out that psychological tests in the evaluation of personnel application value and existing problems, and discusses the relationship between the science of talent assessment and psychological tests, and put forward the construction of the application of psychological test It is expected that we can apply the psychological test to the personnel evaluation work, and improve the effectiveness and reliability of the talent evaluation.

    Keywords: Psychological test; Personnel assessment; Application

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、心理测验及人员测评综述 2

    (一)心理测验及人员测评的概念界定 2

    (二)心理测验在人员测评中的应用方向 3

    二、心理测验在人员测评中的应用现状及困境 4

    (一)心理测验的滥用与专业人员不足的困境 4

    (二)心理测验的概括性与人员测评针对性的矛盾 5


    三、完善心理测验在人员测评应用方面的对策 6


    (二)加强培训机构管理 6

    (三)树立正确心理测评的观念 7

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12




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