




    Residential is the necessary material foundation, people's life since twenty-first Century, Nantong economy grows very fast, the city changes a process to accelerate, more and more city population, city housing the original has been unable to meet the needs of the people, the demand for housing is more and more urgent, residential real estate has been the rapid development, the development process also exists many the problem, it is necessary to make an investigation on Nantong city residential real estate market.

    This paper first introduces the research background, and then summarizes the residential real estate market, about three basic theory of housing market. In the investigation and understanding of the economic and social conditions of Nantong City, Nantong City, on the development of housing industry environment analysis. Investigation of the residential market, to analyze the market of the land market, the relationship between supply and demand, consumers in these three aspects, and then to Nantong city in four different areas of investigation, a detailed analysis of each district residential market advantage, finally found a few problems in the investigation, in order to solve these problems were the government, developers, consumers put forward several suggestions.

    Keywords: economic and social environment;the Nantong residential market ;location research;research of consumer.

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1选题的背景和目的 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1国外研究现状 2

    1.2.2国内研究现状 3

    1.3本文研究的主要内容 4

    1.4本文研究的方法和思路 4

    第二章  住宅市场概述及相关理论 6

    2.1住宅市场概述 6

    2.1.1定义和分类 6

    2.1.2特征 6

    2.2住宅市场的相关理论 7

        2.2.1消费者行为理论 7

        2.2.2供求理论 9

        2.2.3住宅区位理论 11

    第三章  南通市住宅产业发展环境分析

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