

    毕业论文关键词: 南通;高端老年旅游;市场开发;

    Abstract: With the development of the economy of Nantong, nowadays,the population of the eld is increasingly growing up and the market of the old tour is booming. Through the questionnaire we learn there are many problems about elderly high-end market in nantong.Such as lacking the high-end tourism products in the market,The tour guides lack specialized services,Tour routes lack customization and specialization The transport and accommodation lack of comfort.From those series of questions,this article propose some appropriate marketing atrategies such as the government attempt to establish travel agencies access,Travel agencies offer a high level of personalized service ,tour guides focus on the quality of tourists’s travel, travel agency try to establish a good reputation, lay stress on after-sale service.Travel agency should strengthen cooperation,Strive for government support.The article tries to analyze the development conditions of the high-end elderly tour market and questionnaires to offersome  relevant marketing strategies that will give an reference to the tour enterprises in Nantong while developing the old market.

    Keywords:Nantong ;  High-end elderly Tourism;  Marketing

    目 录

    1  前 言 3

    2  调查研究 3

    2.1研究方法 3

    2.2调查对象的确定 3

    2.3结果分析 4

    3  南通市高端老年旅游市场存在的问题 5

    3.1市场中缺乏针对高端老年群体的旅游产品,旅游产品单一 5

    3.2导游人员缺乏专业化的旅游服务 6

    3.3旅游线路的设计缺乏定制化、特色化 6

    3.4旅行社在安排住宿、交通工具等方面舒适度不够 6

    3.5旅行社对于推出来的产品前期宣传不足,后期回访不到位 7

    4  南通市高端老年旅游市场开发的营销策略 7

    4.1南通市政府应建立老年旅游机构准入机制 7

    4.2旅行社提供个性化的高水平服务 7

    4.3线路安排注重出游品质,突出特色、个性 8


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