

    毕业论文关键词:工程施工  综合危害 环境污染  工程安全  监测防治 绿色施工

    Abstract China's real estate industry is very prosperous, so in the environment of the entire construction industry, the comprehensive hazard prevention research in the construction process is particularly important. This is related to many aspects, including environmental pollution, engineering safety, etc..Not only many of the construction units do not pay enough attention in this aspect but also investment funds and personnel is still lacking.Talent in this field is very lack in China, relevant laws and regulations aspect is also imperfect. So such a research topic is very well-timed. This research topic is very justification. After dozens of relevant literature study, I put together the status of research in the industry. The hazards in construction process is mainly the harm to the environment and construction personnel safety.Environmental hazards and air pollution, water pollution, soil erosion, ecological balance, noise pollution, surrounding buildings settlement, surface subsidence. Control methods are roughly pided into management tools, techniques, source control, monitoring and prevention. Finally in China, I think the most important thing is to develop a set of sets and early warning, control and prevent, adjust the system to prevent the comprehensive hazard in the process of construction. Now many people are engaged in green building and they focus only on the green of the building itself and did not focus on the green of the entire construction process. We want to the direction of the efforts is to unify green construction process and the building itself into a green art . So it is more advantageous to human and natural harmony to build a ecosystem on earth.  

    Keywords: engineering construction  Comprehensive hazard  environmental pollution  engineering safety   Monitoring and control  green construction

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 工程施工过程中综合危害的种类 1

    1.3 目前施工过程中综合危害研究存在的不足 3

    1.4 本课题的主要内容 4

    第二章  工程施工过程中的综合危害概述

  1. 上一篇:建设项目施工过程质量控制研究
  2. 下一篇:投标报价策略研究
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