


     Abstract The cases learning in the enterprise is the important part of the knowledge management. A good system to exchange the experience for staff is useful to improve the profit for modern enterprises. With the rapid development of Internet , the E-learning has become an important way to the 21st century entrepreneurship to develope. E-learning to arise the revolution in the way of learning, training of employees can transcend between time and space constraints, anytime, anywhere to carry out. Meanwhile, E-learning training greatly save the training costs, and staff can be tracked the quantifiable learning. Through literature analysis, E-learning in today's business period of rapid growth, but the implementation of enterprise E-learning cost benefit does not allow enterprises to very satisfied, much of a problem is the staff's motivation is poor. The staff involved in is not high, making the E-learning should be the function and role cannot be effectively carried out. Therefore, in-depth understanding of factors affecting employee motivation to learn and further promote the business of the effective implementation of E-learning is very significant.

    Improving employees motivation to learn this problem, this paper presents the performance of technology-oriented strategy design of enterprise E-learning, performance technology, adult learning theory, instructional design theory as the support and analysis on how to improve motivation to learned discussion, in order to give a framework of guidance and ideas.

    Key words: Enterprise E-learning, The cases learning, Motivation to Learn, Curriculum Design, The platform design


    摘  要 2

    Abstract 3

    1、引言 5

    1.1问题的提出 5

    1.2相关研究综述 6

    2、基于E-learning平台的案例学习系统的优势 7

    2.1 相关概念的界定 7

    2.2基于E-learning平台的案例学习系统的优势 8

    2.3 系统设计相关理论基础 8

    3、基于E-learning平台的案例学习系统需求调研 15


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