



    Research on Zhenjiang telecom customer service staff pre-service training


    The importance of enterprise development has become the embodiment of pre-service training. Pre-service training is a new employee to develop their own occupation career in the organization's starting point. This paper expounds the importance of training in enterprise pre-service ,Through the analysis of Zhenjiang telecom company customer service staff pre-service training situation, The customer service personnel pre-service training problems. Based on the related theories, combined with the actual situation of Zhenjiang Telecom and the pre-service training existence question, redesigned the preservice program. Aimed at the implementation and management of it, to meet the demands of the new employee and enterprise, provides the basis for the company's pre-service training.In order to enable faster integration into company pre-service, competent in his work 

    Zhenjiang Telecom Company pre-service training program, including training needs analysis training plan, carrying out training and assessing training effect. Using adult theory, Maslow s theory of needs analysis, and develop a set of suitable for pre-service training program for the company. 

    Keywords: Pre-service training;Evaluation of training;Training analysis

    目  录

    0 引言 1

    1 相关概念及理论 1

    1.1 职前培训的概念及特点 1

         1.1.1 职前培训的概念..2

         1.1.2 职前培训的特点..2

    1.2 职前培训的作用 2

    1.3 相关理论 3

       1.3.1 成人学习理论3

       1.3.2 马斯洛需求层次理论3

    2 镇江电信公司客服职前培训概况 4

      2.1 客服员工职前培训系统存在的不足 4

      2.2 客服员工入职培训内容简单 5

    3 镇江电信公司客服人员职前培训方案设计 5

      3.1培训需求分析 5

        3.1.1 组织培训分析..6

        3.1.2 个人需求分析..7

        3.1.3 任务分析....7

      3.2 制定培训计划....8


        3.2.2 确定培训内容..9



        3.2.5 培训时间和地点..12

        3.2.6 培训方法的选择..12

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