毕业论文关键词: 电子商务;网络市场;消费者特征;营销方法
Consumer characteristics and under the age of electronic commerce marketing methods
Abstract: Along with the development of network technology, has been developed in the network of electronic business today in life has become the mainstream, more and more Internet users become a member of the consumer online shopping, and network market consumers compared to traditional markets in consumer has a more obvious difference. Businesses have to re understand the characteristics of the network of consumers and habits can be accurate understanding of online consumers. Only by grasping the characteristics of the consumer groups and habits can be done for the planning and implementation of targeted marketing.
Keywords: Electronic commerce; network market; consumer characteristic; marketing method
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
一、 绪论 1
(一) 选题的背景和意义 1
1. 选题的背景 1
2. 选题的意义 2
二、 电子商务时代的消费者 4
(一) 电子商务消费者的心理因素 4
1. 追求廉价心理 4
2. 追求个性化心理 5
3. 躲避现实干扰心理 5
(二) 电子商务时代下的消费者行为表现 5
1. 对产品要求的表达,直接参与生产和流通循环 5
2. 理性的价格选择 6
3. 大范围的挑选、选择的便利 6
4. 及时的信息反馈 6
(三) 电子商务中消费者行为的改变 6
1. 购物方式的改变 6
2. 获取信息方式的改变 7
3. 信息沟通方式的改变 7
4. 消费逐步趋向于理性化 8
5. 品牌忠诚度的改变 9
(四) 消费者特征改变的原因 9
1. 源于消费者自身的因素 10
2. 源于外部的影响因素 10
三、 电子商务时代下消费者特征的变化对企业的影响 13
(一) 消费者个性化需求对企业的影响 13
(二) 消费者主动性特征对企业的影响 13
(三) 营销理念的变化