

    毕业论文关 键 词:房地产,节点分析,案例分析,营销策划

    Abstract: In recent years, in order to curb the rapid rise in prices, to ensure the healthy and stable development of the real estate market, the central government issued a series of policies for regulating the real estate market, the real estate market regulation China full range of. In the face of this phenomenon, how to realize the fast and sustainable development, will be the small and medium-sized real estate developers need to face the problem of the next few years. Smart real estate developers to marketing planning problem, but many developers according to the conventional process development project, after the design institute and construction side position, even in theproject basically completed before start looking for marketing planning team intervention. So marketing nodebackward, product optimization space is too small, resulting in many projects sales performance. The best time tonode marketing planning intervention development period, this article mainly demonstration of real estate project,according to the analysis of different projects and the typical real estate project development node plan, finally obtains the real estate marketing planning in the project development phase (preferably in the "certificate" has theright to the use of the land) intervention is the best.

    Key words: Real estate, Nodal analysis, Case analysis, Marketing planning

    目   录

    1  前言 4

    2  房地产营销策划 4

    2.1  房地产市场营销的概念 4

    2.1.1  市场营销的核心 5

    2.1.2  市场营销的发展阶段 5

    2.2  房地产策划的概念 5

    2.3  房地产开发 5

    2.3.1  房地产项目开发常规流程 5

    3  房地产营销策划进入项目的时间节点分析 6

    3.1  项目营销策划在前期准备阶段进入 6

    3.1.1  万达企业项目开发节点分析 7

    3.1.2  万科企业项目开发节点分析 7

    3.1.3  内蒙古杭锦后旗塞上清华园案例分析 8

    3.2  项目营销策划在工程建设阶段期进入 8

    3.2.1  恒大项目开发节点分析 8

    3.2.2  内蒙古磴口东亿新天地案例分析 9

    3.3  项目营销策划在销售阶段进入

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