
    摘 要:近几十年由于改革开放带动的国民经济的发展,人们生活水平提高的同时房地产行业也得到消费者的重视。人们开始注重投资、理财,而房地产业的稳定性和持久性得到大多数人的青睐,购房者对房地产产品的观念逐渐改变,一方面是为了满足衣食住行等生理方面的要求,另一方面是作为一个投资者看待房地产市场发展潜力的精神层面的满足感。而企业为了迎合大众的需求,在市场上能稳定持续的发展达到盈利的目标,开发商和房地产开发企业必须将营销策划摆在至关重要的位置。本文结合了淮安市亿丰时代广场的二期开盘营销策划,讨论分析淮安市房地产市场的发展和机遇。53424

    毕业论文关键词:房地产行业 ,购房者,投资者,盈利的目标 ,营销策划

    Abstract: In recent years due to the development of the reform and opening up the economy, the improvement of people's living standard at the same time, the real estate industry has been the attention of consumers. People began to pay attention to investment, financing, and the stability of real estate industry and persistence are the majority of people of all ages, the purchase of real estate product ideas change gradually, one is to meet the physiological requirements of basic necessities of life, on the other hand, as an investor and look at the real estate market development potential of the spiritual satisfaction feeling. But the enterprise in order to meet public demand can be stable and sustainable development to achieve the profit target in the market, developers and real estate development enterprises must be put in the important position of marketing planning. This paper combines Huaian Yifeng Times Square for two days in marketing planning, discussion and analysis of Huaian City real estate market development and opportunities.

    Keywords: the real estate industry, purchase, investor, the profit target, marketing planning

    目  录

    1  设计选题说明 4

    1.1  选题依据 4

    1.2  设计项目概况 4

    1.3  设计目的和要求 4

    1.4  数据资料选取 4

    1.5  设计重点难点 5

    1.6  设计实现可能性分析 5

    2  设计依据 5

    2.1  理论与方法 5

    2.2  规范和标准 5

    2.3  参考文献的选用 6

    3  设计的技术路线 6

    4  设计成果分析 7

    4.1  设计结论分析 7

    4.2  设计可行性分析 7

    5  设计的价值 7

    5.1  对专业学习的作用 7

    5.2  对社会工作的作用 8

    结  论 9

    参考文献 10

    致 谢 11

    1 设计选题说明

    1.1  选题依据


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