
    摘  要:城镇化进程的加快,住宅的需求量增加,导致房地产市场竞争加剧,开盘当天项目的去化数量显得尤为关键。因此,为项目制定一个合适开盘前期营销推广方案就尤为重要。星雨华府是雨润集团开发的住宅项目,星雨华府位于淮安生态商务新城核心区域,项目建设地点为枚皋中路东南侧、森林公园东北侧地块。项目占地面积20.45万平方米,总建筑面积62万平方米,其中地上建筑面积45万平方米,地下建筑面积17万平方米。结合项目的基本情况,本次设计将结合房地产营销相关知识来撰写,涉及项目简介,市场分析,项目swot分析,项目营销推广等方面。53964

    毕业论文关 键 词:星雨华府,前期,营销推广,蓄客

    Abstract:The acceleration of urbanization, the housing demand increased, resulting in increased competition in the real estate market, price is to the number of the project is the key. Therefore, to make a proper opening - marketing promotion plan is particularly important. The Silverain Mansion is Yurun Group residential development projects, by Silverain Mansion in Huaian ecological business park core area, the construction site of the project is a Meigao road southeast, northeast of Forest Park block. The project covers an area of 204500 square meters, a total construction area of 620000 square meters, the building area of 450000 square meters, underground construction area of 170000 square meters. The basic situation of the project, the design will be combined with the real estate marketing related knowledge to write, relates to the project introduction, market analysis, SWOT analysis of the project, project marketing promotion etc.

    Keywords:Silverain Mansion, earlier stage, marketing promotion, the accumulation of the guests

    目   录

    1  设计选题说明 4

    1.1  选题依据 4

    1.2  设计项目概况 4

    1.3  设计目的和要求 4

    1.4  数据资料选取 4

    1.5  设计重点和难点 5

    1.6  设计实现的可能性 5

    2  设计依据 5

    2.1  理论与方法 5

    2.2  参考文献的选用 6

    3  技术路线 6

    4  设计成果分析 6

    4.1  设计结论分析 6

    4.2  设计可行性分析 7

    5  设计的价值 7

    5.1  设计的的作用 7

    5.2  对专业学习的作用 7

    5.3  对社会工作的作用 7

    结  论 8

    参考文献 9

    致  谢 10

    1  设计选题说明

    1.1  选题依据


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