
    摘 要:本文采用丽江1983—2012年各月的平均气温、相对湿度、风速、日照时数气象资料,在计算出温湿指数、风效指数、着衣指数的基础上,建立一个适合于丽江的综合气候舒适度的分析方式,来计算丽江旅游气候综合舒适度指数,划分出丽江适宜旅游的时间分布。以6月份为界,温湿指数和风效指数均为先上升后下降,而着衣指数先下降后上升。通过综合舒适度指数和评价来看,丽江最佳旅游舒适期为5月份—9月份,综合舒适指数最高,属于最适宜;4月份和10月份属于旅游适宜月份;3月份、11月份和12月份属于旅游较适宜月份;而1月份和2月份的综合舒适指数最低,属于较不适宜旅游月份。而最近几年丽江气温有升高的趋势,这有利于旅游舒适度的增加,有助于旅游天数的增加,促进旅游业的发展。55617


    Abstract: With the months average air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, sunshine time meteorological data in Lijiang during 1983—2012 and based on calculating temperature humidity index, wind effect index, dressing index, this article established a comprehensive climate comfort analysis method suitable for lijiang to calculate the comprehensive tourism climate comfort index, differentiate the time distribution for tourism in lijiang . In June is bounded, temperature humidity index and the wind effect index both rise first and then fall, while the dressing index rise after falling; Through comprehensive comfort index and evaluation, the best travel comfort period in lijiang is from May to September, with the highest synthesis comfort index. This period belongs to the most appropriate. April and October belongs to tourism months; March, November and December are tourism comparative comfortable months; The comprehensive comfort index in January and February is the lowest, so these months are less suitable for tourism. Temperature in Lijiang has a tendency to rise in recent years, it is beneficial to the increase of tourist comfort, the increase of travel days, and the development of tourism.

    Key words: Lijiang, travel, climate comfort 


    1引言 …  4

    2丽江概况 … 4

    3旅游气候舒适度评价指标  4

    3.1 温湿指数  5

    3.2 风效指数  5

    3.3 着衣指数  5

    3.4 综合舒适度指数 … 6

    4 1983-2012年温湿指数、风效指数、着衣指数的变化  6

    4.1 温湿指数及其变化  7

    4.2 风效指数及其变化  7

    4.3 着衣指数及其变化  8

    5 综合舒适度指数及其变化 … 8

    5.1 综合指数下适宜旅游月份及其分析  9

    5.2 综合指数下不适宜旅游月份及其分析 … 9

    结论11参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    1 引言


    2 丽江概况

    云南的丽江市位于青藏高原和云贵高原的交界地区,25˚59'--27˚56'N ,99˚23'--101˚31'E之间。地处高原山地之间,气候多为垂直分布,主要为季风气候,四季变化明显。因为丽江拥有大量的自然资源以及人文历史较独特,迅速成为了国内外较出名的旅游城市。[1]


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